Thank you for Telling the USDA to Step It Up in the Fight Against Bird Flu
Bird flu continues to spread with devastating consequences for animals and farmers. We need the USDA to step up. Help us take action.

Bird Flu: Why We Need Urgent Action to Prevent a Public Health Crisis
Learn about the alarming spread of H5N1 bird flu from birds to mammals and help us take action to stop its potential public health risk.

Act Now: Protect People, Animals, and Agriculture from Bird Flu
Join us in demanding the USDA and HHS take immediate action to stop this dangerous virus before it becomes the next pandemic.

FACT's Summer Newsletter: Humane Farming Progress and Bird Flu Concerns
Check out our latest updates in our Summer FACT Sheets Newsletter.

Bird Flu Found in One in Five Samples of Milk
The virus is killed by pasteurization but the people at greatest risk are farm and slaughter plant workers.

Avian Flu and Giant Dairies Moving us Ever Closer to a New Pandemic
Deadly bird flu is just one more problem of the current model of animal agriculture and in this case is potentially setting us up for an outbreak that could kill millions.