Spring News From FACT

In this week’s blog, we would love to share with you some of our latest news and our impact over the last few months in our Spring FACT Sheets newsletter. You can read the newsletter in full or take a look at some of the excerpts below.

This year, one focus of our work is to promote climate-resilient policies. 

We have a new Climate Change Position Paper which you can read here.

We are also working with partners for a transformative 2023 Farm Bill that makes climate change a priority. As part of this effort, FACT staff and farmers participated in the Rally for Resilience in Washington DC this March. You can read more about the rally on page 4 of the FACT Sheets.

Picture: FACT’s Larissa and Sam, and some of FACT’s farmers at the Rally for Resilience in Washington, D.C.

We are continuing to pressure companies to adopt policies that protect the health of people and animals. 

FACT works with, cajoles, and pressures companies to set standards that make food safer and healthier, and from animals raised in a more humane manner. 

However, we cannot do this alone. We rely on you and our supporters to help us put pressure on companies. Read more about how you can take action on page 6 of the FACT Sheets.

This impact would not be possible without the generous support of everyone in our network. Please share the good work FACT is doing with your friends, neighbors, and family members and consider making a gift to FACT today. This will ensure that all food-producing animals are raised in a humane and healthy manner, and that everyone will have access to safe and humanely-produced food.


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