Serving Up Superbugs: New Restaurant Chain Antibiotics Scorecard from FACT
It’s World Antibiotics Awareness Week 2024 and FACT just released a new report , Serving Up Superbugs, that found that most top restaurant chains in the United States have failed to make progress on commitments to stop the overuse of antibiotics by their meat and poultry suppliers.

Voting With Your Dollars Only Works if Product Labels are Truthful
The USDA found widespread fraud in meat labeled "raised without antibiotics" but isn't requiring businesses to test for antibiotics. Join us in telling the USDA to require testing.

U.S. Undermines International Effort to Reduce Death and Sickness from Antimicrobial Resistance
Read more about how the U.S. government instead of pushing for strong international targets to reduce the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture has worked to weaken them.

Antibiotic Resistance: An Unyielding Crisis and the Urgent Need for Reform
New data from the FDA shows that many antibiotic resistance trends are not improving as hoped.

Senator Booker Calls Out The FDA for Backsliding on Fighting Superbugs
Senator Booker warns FDA's new guidelines on antimicrobial resistance threatens public health.

Antibiotics and Meat Production: A Growing Public Health Crisis
Check out FACT’s latest video about antibiotic resistance and the policy changes necessary to slow the spread of deadly antibiotic-resistant germs.

Despite FDA Prohibition, U.S. Swine Producers Continue Using Medically Important Antibiotics for Growth Years Later.
New data shows that pig operations report feeding medically important antibiotics to pigs to make them grow faster, despite the FDA prohibiting this practice.

Raising Awareness About the Spread of Resistant Superbugs
Learn about why the spread of antibiotic superbugs is an ongoing public health crisis in our latest blog and video

The FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine’s Eroding Focus on Protecting Consumers
The CVM is ignoring its mission to make sure that animal drugs are safe to meet the demands of drug makers and the giant meat industry.

The U.S. is in Need of Some Big New Year’s Resolutions When it Comes to Policies on Antibiotic Resistance
FACT has some big but very attainable goals this year for the Food and Drug Administration in order to keep us safe and healthy.

Tell the FDA to Protect People and Animals From Antibiotic Resistance
The FDA must set a limit for how long antibiotics can be used in animals and stop administering them to healthy animals.

Improving Antibiotic Use Throughout the World
Help spread the word about antibiotic resistance for World Antibiotic Awareness Week.

Why CDC's One Health Framework Falls Short When It Comes to Protecting People and Animals
Join FACT in calling on the CDC address zoonotic diseases to make sure that people and animals are actually protected.

The FDA Needs to Collect Critical Data on Antibiotic Use on Farms
It is impossible to know if efforts to reduce the overuse of antibiotics are effective or creating meaningful change over time, if there is no actual data on how antibiotics are being used.

As the FDA Winds up its Five-Year Stewardship Plan, New Data Indicates the Potential for Large Increases in Antibiotic Use
As we approach the 100th anniversary of the discovery of penicillin, antibiotic use in U.S. animal agriculture may continue to climb upward.

Livestock Farm Workers are First in Line From Superbug Infections From Unhealthy Food Animals
In developing policies to address superbug infections, these vulnerable groups should be protected.

FDA Still Sluggish On The Superbug Crisis
A major cause of the spread of superbugs is the overuse of antibiotics, but the FDA, which is tasked with making sure that drugs are safe, has consistently failed to address this overuse.

Here's What You Should Know About Antibiotic Cross-Resistance and Co-Resistance
Overusing antibiotics in human and animal medicine can lead to the spread of multiple antibiotic resistant genes, making the treatment of human infection much more difficult.

Antibiotic Resistance Disproportionately Impacts women’s Health
As part of Women’s Health Week, FACT looks at the impact of antimicrobial resistance and how it affects women disproportionately to men.