Double JB Farm
Presented by farmers and farming experts
Free Webinars
FACT offers free webinars on a variety of topics relevant to humane animal production. Join us for an upcoming session or scroll down to access previously recorded presentations. All of our webinar recordings are also posted on FACT’s YouTube Channel.
Upcoming Webinars
A huge thank you to everyone who has shared their webinar ideas, we’ve researched, emailed and vetted your ideas and are now getting started with scheduling. Stay tuned as we pin our presenters down and finalize this year’s exciting webinar season!
Contact Samantha with any Webinar related Questions or ideas
February 24, 2025 3pmET
The rapid growth of utility-scale solar farms, especially in the Southeast, is altering the agricultural landscape in many states. Concurrent with this growth has been the increasing interest and demand for utilizing sheep to manage the vegetation on these farms.
March 13, 2025 1pmET
Bird flu is a threat for everyone who raises poultry. While previous outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) had a much greater impact on large poultry producers, the current outbreak is hitting just as many small flocks as large ones. This webinar will provide information on steps pasture-based poultry producers can take to avoid becoming infected.
March 24, 2025 @1pmET
Diving deeper into the finer details of brooding to perfect the environment when chicks/poults/ducklings are first placed and how to transition them to prepare them for the pasture. For those who mostly know what they are doing when it comes to brooding. Discussing brooder design, ventilation, drafts, bedding, feed, brooding with brooder guard or whole house brooding, supplemental feeders and waters and feeder and waterer types. Basic health issues and behaviors to watch out for such as delivery stress, grouping/piling, panting, early starve-outs (3-5 days of age), late starve outs (10+ days of age) and how to correct or prevent it with management or supplements. Stressing the importance of sitting on the ground to watch how they are behaving to see where you can make tweaks that make a difference in livability and weight gain.
March 20, 2025 @2pmET
Diving deeper into the finer details of brooding to perfect the environment when chicks/poults/ducklings are first placed and how to transition them to prepare them for the pasture. For those who mostly know what they are doing when it comes to brooding. Discussing brooder design, ventilation, drafts, bedding, feed, brooding with brooder guard or whole house brooding, supplemental feeders and waters and feeder and waterer types. Basic health issues and behaviors to watch out for such as delivery stress, grouping/piling, panting, early starve-outs (3-5 days of age), late starve outs (10+ days of age) and how to correct or prevent it with management or supplements. Stressing the importance of sitting on the ground to watch how they are behaving to see where you can make tweaks that make a difference in livability and weight gain.
April 1, 2025 3pmET
Join us as we dig into what makes small scale farming viable and profitable, and how you can approach your farm venture strategically to make it work for you.
You can watch videos or download slides from our previously recorded webinars on grazing, pasture management, poultry production, guardian animals & predator control, pastured pigs, silvopasture, small ruminants, on-farm activities and education, marketing, business, and farmer funding. Viewers can also search by key word below.
This session will focus on best practices where grazing systems and waterways interact on the farm. Guest presenter is Steve Gabriel.
During this session, we will cover the basics of rotational grazing, the math you can use to determine carrying capacity of your pastures, and cost-effective steps you can take to improve your grazing systems.
This seminar will dig deep into what soil health is, how it is linked to the current regenerative agriculture trend, and how animal agriculture can work to build resiliency from the ground up.
In honor of National Bison Day, please join us for this very special webinar. Guest presenters from Tanka Fund will share basics when it comes to starting and operating a bison ranch.
Join FACT and guest presenter Dr. Fred Provenza to discuss how understanding processes that underlie foraging behavior can be used to entice animals to eat “unpalatable” plants.
This talk will focus on plants that provide health for your animals, touching on nutritional aspects of commonly encountered plants as well as forages that provide anti-parasitic compounds and plant based medicines for individual animals.
Chemical dewormers for small ruminants are becoming less effective at a startling rate. Join guest presenter Kirsten Robertson on her journey to becoming chemical dewormer free with her goats and sheep.
This webinar will delve into grazing management strategies that will help insulate your operation from catastrophes like drought, flood, and fire. Learn how to build resilient soils, plants and businesses by using your most powerful tool: the ability to plan, observe and adapt to whatever nature dishes out.
Join our expert panelists to hear how they handle lambing, kidding, and calving, including helpful tools, recognizing imminent birth, how a normal birth proceeds, and when and how to intervene.
Pastured livestock offers an array of exciting opportunities and solutions. Learn how to leverage grazing ruminants to advance resilience within your operation.
We discuss some of the problems farmers might encounter while grazing their livestock. Bloat, toxic plants, fescue toxicity, predator control, and parasite management will be addressed
Join us to learn more about what it would take to scale up pastured meat production on your operation.
Presenter Steve Gabriel discusses the medicinal and feed values trees can offer ruminant livestock, and methods for managing them on your landscape.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 3 of a 3 part series on strategies for pasture management and improvement.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 2 of a 3 on pasture management strategies.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 1 of a 3 on pasture management strategies.
This webinar will discuss the benefits, the synergistic relationship between multiple species and the soil and plants, fencing, predators, parasites, and how to stock pastures appropriately.
Tall Grass Grazing permits a life without Nitrogen fertilizer and the opportunity to work with nature instead of shoving her aside with inputs.
Meghan Filbert, livestock program manager at Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI), will share best management practices to maximize the economic value of cover crops.
Join us to hear about the latest strategy to control Face Flies on pastured cattle.
Kent Solberg discusses how to the most of your livestock operation by sequencing a combination of annual, perennial, and stored forages to feed your ruminant animals.
The foundation of healthy, productive pastures is healthy soil. Learn grazing management principles that will regenerate your soils.
Join us to learn how to use low-stress cattle handling, low-to-no-tillage seeding, and proper manure distribution to create a 100% grass-fed dairy.
Tony Miller from Whitefeather Organics presents on how he manages intensive animal rotations on his diversified operation.
January 13, 2025 @3pm
Explore practical strategies and incentives for enhancing biodiversity while maintaining productive agricultural lands. This session is perfect for farmers and land managers looking to balance conservation with agriculture and improve ecosystem health while supporting local wildlife.
October 8, 2024 3pmET
There is a hidden sector of genetics that very few are aware of, but affects everything. This hidden sector is called Epigenetics and is defined as "The influence of environmental factors on the degree of expression of gene pairs". In this webinar we will explore the intricacies of epigenetics and how to use this to our favor.
December 2, 2024, 1pm ET
When disaster strikes, we commonly hear people say, "I didn't think it would happen to us." Wildfires, floods, hurricanes, blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, and other natural disasters are in the news every day. The odds are that someday, it WILL happen to us!
September 30, 2024
Living green algae are powerful biostimulants and have been supporting health and nutrition above and below ground for thousands of years.
September 23, 2024
Anyone who raises poultry knows they love cover, and planting trees and shrubs for cover and shade just makes sense. We can also plant species that will feed your birds, reducing feed costs and increasing bird health. So join Trees for Graziers to learn about the fledgling field of poultry silvopasture.
March 20. 2024
Well-planned silvopasture can provide shade to improve livestock comfort & productivity, fodder in extreme weather, and beautiful habitat for wildlife. Join Joshua Greene from Trees For Graziers as he shares establishment techniques, protection methods, and silvopasture tree species being used at Greene Kitchen Farm and many livestock farms in the Northeast. Shoestring methods for jump starting your silvopasture will be discussed as well as other resources to 'start small, start now’ in order to take your grazing to new heights.
March 4
How we farm or ranch matters. Recent research and farm case studies clearly show that soil biology and plant species diversity play a crucial role in both the health of our livestock and our own health. They also play an important role in ecosystem and climate health. In this webinar we will explore the relationships between how we manage our farms and the ultimate outcome. Join Allen Williams as we will discuss why what you do matters, what are the critical steps we need to take and how we can all participate.
November 30
Dr Allen Williams will address the facts about mRNA-based vaccines in livestock and explore how farmers and ranchers should respond to consumer concerns and confusion. How do we even know, as farmers and ranchers, whether we are administering mRNA-based vaccines or not?
September 19
Have you ever considered utilizing any of the USDA’s conservation programs but have been too overwhelmed by the process? Join Chris and Burnell Muse as they share their experiences on their Louisiana farm.
This session will focus on best practices where grazing systems and waterways interact on the farm. Guest presenter is Steve Gabriel.
This seminar will dig deep into what soil health is, how it is linked to the current regenerative agriculture trend, and how animal agriculture can work to build resiliency from the ground up.
Join FACT and guest presenter Dr. Fred Provenza to discuss how understanding processes that underlie foraging behavior can be used to entice animals to eat “unpalatable” plants.
This talk will focus on plants that provide health for your animals, touching on nutritional aspects of commonly encountered plants as well as forages that provide anti-parasitic compounds and plant based medicines for individual animals.
Dr. Fred Provenza discusses how we can help livestock prosper by using foods and habitats available locally while minimizing inputs from fossil fuels.
In this second webinar in a three-part series, guest presenter Dr. Fred Provenza will discuss how plant health and diversity impacts animal health and ultimately human health.
In this first webinar in a three-part series, guest presenter Dr. Fred Provenza will discuss the wisdom of the body focusing on livestock and how animal feed can serve a medicinal purpose.
Discover approaches to assessing the water in your pastures and methods to divert, slow, spread, and sink water into the soil. Learn when ditches, ponds, swales, and other methods are appropriate.
We discuss how you can manage your pastures with regenerative methods to beneficially influence the health of your livestock and the ecosystem by fostering biodiversity both above and below ground.
This webinar gives small, limited resource farmers the tools they need to better understand the benefits of good pasture management.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 3 of a 3 part series on strategies for pasture management and improvement.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 2 of a 3 on pasture management strategies.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 1 of a 3 on pasture management strategies.
Dr. Mark Renz, Professor and Extension Weed Specialist at the University of Wisconsin, will discuss approaches livestock producers can take to manage weeds in their pastures.
Kent Solberg discusses how to the most of your livestock operation by sequencing a combination of annual, perennial, and stored forages to feed your ruminant animals.
The foundation of healthy, productive pastures is healthy soil. Learn grazing management principles that will regenerate your soils.
Learn about fence types, mental and physical barriers, resources, costs, and preparation and see how to use various fencing materials.
March 13, 2025 1pmET
Bird flu is a threat for everyone who raises poultry. While previous outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) had a much greater impact on large poultry producers, the current outbreak is hitting just as many small flocks as large ones. This webinar will provide information on steps pasture-based poultry producers can take to avoid becoming infected.
March 20, 2025 @2pmET
Diving deeper into the finer details of brooding to perfect the environment when chicks/poults/ducklings are first placed and how to transition them to prepare them for the pasture. For those who mostly know what they are doing when it comes to brooding. Discussing brooder design, ventilation, drafts, bedding, feed, brooding with brooder guard or whole house brooding, supplemental feeders and waters and feeder and waterer types. Basic health issues and behaviors to watch out for such as delivery stress, grouping/piling, panting, early starve-outs (3-5 days of age), late starve outs (10+ days of age) and how to correct or prevent it with management or supplements. Stressing the importance of sitting on the ground to watch how they are behaving to see where you can make tweaks that make a difference in livability and weight gain.
In this webinar you will learn the three secrets to having a successful regenerative farm.
Join FACT and APPPA (American Pastured Poultry Producers Association) to address questions and concerns about raising pastured poultry during a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak.
In this workshop we will discuss the perks and challenges hertiage poultry producers will face, and how to take advantage of other income streams from your flock that can be generated beyond eggs or meat.
Are you evaluating a major change to your poultry business model such as scaling up or dropping an enterprise?
This webinar discusses how to manage pigs and poultry in a rotational grazing system to benefit the health of the land and of the animals.
Join us to learn practical strategies for protecting your flock from predators such as raccoons, foxes, and birds of prey.
This webinar discusses how to plan ahead and raise turkeys on pasture - from concerns about bird health, to designs for outdoor housing, to ideas for creative marketing.
Learn more about how to run a successful pastured poultry operation.
Learn tips for managing feed, water, shelter and predators for pastured poultry during the cold months.
Panelists cover their farms’ approaches to mobile poultry housing designed for pasture-based operations.
Featuring poultry expert Jim Adkins of the Sustainable Poultry Network who provides an overview of practices to ensure your flock is sustainable and profitable.
Learn how to keep your cattle, goats, and sheep safe from predators such as coyotes, roaming dogs and birds of prey.
Join us to learn practical strategies for protecting your flock from predators such as raccoons, foxes, and birds of prey.
Presenter Jan Dohner will cover the adolescent behavior problems commonly exhibited by livestock guardian dogs.
Presenter Jan Dohner covers the various breeds, questions of crossbred dogs, how to find a good dog/breeder, identifying good rescue dogs, choosing a puppy, and bringing home a new dog or puppy.
Presenter Jan Dohner discusses the fundamentals of using guardian animals, including llamas, donkeys and dogs, to protect your animals on pasture.
October 5
Are you curious about how you can add value to your product line? If so, you won’t want to miss Laura’s webinar about what has worked for her on her Georgia farm.
November 30
Dr Allen Williams will address the facts about mRNA-based vaccines in livestock and explore how farmers and ranchers should respond to consumer concerns and confusion. How do we even know, as farmers and ranchers, whether we are administering mRNA-based vaccines or not?
Is it a sheep, or a pig? Join us to learn about all things Mangalitsa!
This session will cover pros and cons, pricing, customer service, cut sheets, and more about selling pastured hogs as wholes and halves.
Meishan pigs are one of the oldest domesticated breeds of pigs in the world. They thrive on pasture and are also known for their docile personalities. Join FACT and special guest presenter Laura Jensen to learn more about Meishans, including best practices for raising, breeding, and processing these animals.
Join us for an introductory conversation about the production and marketing of pigs raised in pasture settings.
We will discuss Kunekune breed history and characteristics, optimal conditions for their health and well-being, and niche products derived from Kunekune that can maximize the return on your investments.
Learn best practices when it comes to pasture-based farrowing, including considerations for infrastructure needs, scheduling/timing, and animal health and safety.
This webinar discusses how to manage pigs and poultry in a rotational grazing system to benefit the health of the land and of the animals.
This session discusses why hogs and tree crops are an ideal silvopastoral combination.
Learn about pasture planning, infrastructure, and holistic herd health for pastured pigs.
February 14
Lydia Strand with Lydia’s Flock returns to continue sharing her years of experience with lambing. This session will focus on the newborn lamb.
You can view part 1 here:
January 30
The lambing season is a critical time for sheep producers, marking the arrival of new life and the continuation of the flock. However, it can also be a challenging period, requiring careful management and intervention to ensure the health and well-being of both ewes and lambs.
In this informative webinar, Lydia Strand with Lydia's Flock, will delve into the intricacies of lambing, providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully navigate this crucial phase of sheep production.
November 30
Dr Allen Williams will address the facts about mRNA-based vaccines in livestock and explore how farmers and ranchers should respond to consumer concerns and confusion. How do we even know, as farmers and ranchers, whether we are administering mRNA-based vaccines or not?
This presentation will discuss the "phantom parasite," meningeal worm, or brainworm, and its gastropod hosts, transmission risk factors to livestock, and the symptoms to watch out for.
Many farmers are becoming enthralled with Katahdin sheep for parasite resistance, hardiness, versatility, and willingness to consume a wide arrange of pasture plants and even woody browse.
This session will focus on best practices where grazing systems and waterways interact on the farm. Guest presenter is Steve Gabriel.
During this session, we will cover the basics of rotational grazing, the math you can use to determine carrying capacity of your pastures, and cost-effective steps you can take to improve your grazing systems.
Join FACT and guest presenter Dr. Fred Provenza to discuss how understanding processes that underlie foraging behavior can be used to entice animals to eat “unpalatable” plants.
Chemical dewormers for small ruminants are becoming less effective at a startling rate. Join guest presenter Kirsten Robertson on her journey to becoming chemical dewormer free with her goats and sheep.
Join our expert panelists to hear how they handle lambing, kidding, and calving, including helpful tools, recognizing imminent birth, how a normal birth proceeds, and when and how to intervene.
Join FACT and panelists from the American Solar Grazing Association to discuss new trends in solar grazing, best practices for shepherds and solar developers, and how you can get started.
We discuss some of the problems farmers might encounter while grazing their livestock. Bloat, toxic plants, fescue toxicity, predator control, and parasite management will be addressed
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 3 of a 3 part series on strategies for pasture management and improvement.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 2 of a 3 on pasture management strategies.
Join FACT and grazing expert Sarah Flack for part 1 of a 3 on pasture management strategies.
Solar Grazing is the practice of grazing sheep on solar farms. When sheep graze solar sites they improve their own health by grazing pastures that offer plenty of shade and protection from the elements.
This session will cover treatment protocols and strategies, and will tie together all of the strategies that were discussed throughout the webinar series.
This session will discuss ways to prevent parasites including organic principles for encouraging animal health, animal selection, evasive grazing and more.
This session will discuss the seriousness of parasites, the parasite life cycle, parasite effects and symptoms, and general vocabulary for the discussion.
The New Zealand method is an efficient and low-stress way to shear sheep. Join us to learn an overview of the technique, the tools, and the importance of shearing in the humane treatment of fiber bearing animals
Kent Solberg discusses how to the most of your livestock operation by sequencing a combination of annual, perennial, and stored forages to feed your ruminant animals.
Annie Warmke of Blue Rock Station in Ohio will share how to get started in goat herding, and will take us through some great natural based strategies for keeping goats healthy and happy.
Presenters share their experience with managing and protecting sheep and goats on pasture, including breed selection, stocking rates, fencing, lambing, and dealing with common health issues.
September 23, 2024
Anyone who raises poultry knows they love cover, and planting trees and shrubs for cover and shade just makes sense. We can also plant species that will feed your birds, reducing feed costs and increasing bird health. So join Trees for Graziers to learn about the fledgling field of poultry silvopasture.
March 20. 2024
Well-planned silvopasture can provide shade to improve livestock comfort & productivity, fodder in extreme weather, and beautiful habitat for wildlife. Join Joshua Greene from Trees For Graziers as he shares establishment techniques, protection methods, and silvopasture tree species being used at Greene Kitchen Farm and many livestock farms in the Northeast. Shoestring methods for jump starting your silvopasture will be discussed as well as other resources to 'start small, start now’ in order to take your grazing to new heights.
Many farmers are becoming enthralled with Katahdin sheep for parasite resistance, hardiness, versatility, and willingness to consume a wide arrange of pasture plants and even woody browse.
During this session, we will cover the basics of rotational grazing, the math you can use to determine carrying capacity of your pastures, and cost-effective steps you can take to improve your grazing systems.
What woods are a good fit for silvopasture? Learn how to identify promising sites, and which ones to leave alone.
Learn a range of techniques to thin trees, remove vegetation, and set a woodland up for efficient grazing.
oin us to learn some of the differences and when to leverage different types for different uses. This is the third part of a three part silvopasture webinar series with presenter Steve Gabriel.
Part 2 of a 3-part silvopasture webinar series with presenter Steve Gabriel.
Part 1 of a 3-part silvopasture webinar series with presenter Steve Gabriel.
Presenter Steve Gabriel discusses the medicinal and feed values trees can offer ruminant livestock, and methods for managing them on your landscape.
This session discusses why hogs and tree crops are an ideal silvopastoral combination.
April 1, 2025 3pmET
Join us as we dig into what makes small scale farming viable and profitable, and how you can approach your farm venture strategically to make it work for you.
October 22, 2024
Join FACT grant administrators as they explain the Fund-a-Farmer grant process and Humane Farming funding opportunities.
November 6, 2024 12pm
The H-2A visa program makes it possible for farmers to bring in citizens of other countries for agricultural work in the United States. With a tight labor market, the visa program is experiencing a lot of growth – farmers who have never considered it before are taking a closer look.
December 9, 2024 12pm
It’s every farmer or rancher’s worst nightmare: Someone claims to have gotten sick from the food they produced. No matter how safe the operation is, the risk is always there. The good news is there are ways to manage and mitigate the impacts of this risk. We’ll discuss the best practices every farmer or rancher can adopt to get a foothold in managing their food safety liability exposure.
March 26, 2024
Running a farm or ranch business often depends on buildings, equipment, vehicles, and supplies for day-to-day success. If these valuable resources are lost or damaged, it can be devastating to profitability. Different types of property insurance can help address this risk, but only if the farmer clearly understands how these products work. Does your operation have the coverage it needs? Get clear on what items on your operation you want covered from the perils that are of top concern to you with this webinar
January 16. 2024
Ecommerce can be a game changer for your direct-to-consumer meat business, but there are several important things to consider to optimize your online sales. In this webinar, Katie Olthoff with ChopLocal will share the best practices for your ecommerce store to help you get the most bang for your buck!
December 14
Join Steve Roach, Director of FACT's Safe and Healthy Food Program and Madeleine Kleven, Safe and Healthy Food Program coordinator as they review some important topics that every livestock producer should know about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.
January 11. 2024
Are you struggling with how to share your farm story in a way that engages customers? Do you have trouble weaving in the nutritional benefits pasture raised meats offer in a way that makes sense to the consumer? In this webinar April Parms Jones will teach you the art of storytelling and how mastering this skill will help increase profitability, customer engagement and retention.
December 5
Join NC Choices Technical Program Specialist Lee Menius as we explore the basics of understanding your farm's financial goals, records, and how to use that understanding to evaluate new enterprises and pricing.
September 28
This webinar will teach the fundamentals of farm employment law including classifying workers and the obligations of every farm employer. Folks will learn where they need to learn more and where they can sit back with confidence, no matter where they are in their farming journey.
October 10
Presented by Rachel Armstrong this webinar will cover why a LLC is a good risk management tool, best practices to implement and how to keep your LLC in good legal shape. N matter where you are in your LLC journey this webinar will have something for everyone.
November 1
Join Previous and Present Fund a Farmer grant administrators plus ASPCA’s Kara Shannon as they explain the Fund-a-Farmer grant process and Humane Farming funding opportunities.
November 7
Join Dr Ivette Ruez as she shares her experience as a brain injury survivor and advocate for a more inviting and accepting Food System society.
September 14
This presentation will discuss how higher-welfare farmers can play a critical advocacy role in the 2023 Farm Bill.
This session will cover pros and cons, pricing, customer service, cut sheets, and more about selling pastured hogs as wholes and halves.
Join us for a webinar that will build knowledge and confidence around essential farm law issues. Led by staff from Farm Commons.
During this session, Pork Rhyne will coach you on exactly how to properly market to your ideal customer without compromising on your prices or integrity.
Join us to learn the basics of farm animal welfare certification programs - what they are, the differences between existing programs, the value of certification, how to become certified, and funding opportunities to help you achieve certification.
In this webinar you will learn the three secrets to having a successful regenerative farm.
In this seminar we'll go over the basics of SEO and how to implement simple but impactful changes on your website to bring in leads for months or years to come.
In this webinar we’ll discuss the essential points of liability and property insurance that every producer needs.
Choosing the right business structure for a farm or ranch business shouldn’t be hard. In this webinar, we’ll walk through the tax advantages and business practices that make sense for your situation.
Growing a food and farm business often requires taking on debt. The right loans can help, but it is important to know when and where to seek funding, and which lending opportunities best suit your purpose.
This webinar will discuss the importance of financial statements, processes such as bookkeeping, and what your Profit & Loss is telling you.
This webinar will explore what your balance sheet is telling you, including: what’s in a debt schedule, accounting for inventory, keeping track of equity ownership, how legal formation affects money in your business, and tools for managing cash flow.
Presenters John Hendrickson of the U. of WI and grassfed beef producer Jim Munsch discuss the Livestock Compass, a spreadsheet that helps livestock producers measure profitability and identify ways to improve financial outcomes.
Join us to learn more about what it would take to scale up pastured meat production on your operation.
What if you could have a high quality of life and a good income from your farm? Presenter Ben Grimes of Dawnbreaker Farms will share his proven strategies to increase profitability while reducing work load.
Internships, mentoring, and apprenticeships are valuable resources for both parties involved but there's more to it then just getting someone to do your work in exchange for housing and food, or a small stipend.
Join us to walk through an assessment of how to determine the true resources you have in your life, and how to turn them into assets to sustain your dream of earning a living at what you love to do.
March 24, 2025 @1pmET
Diving deeper into the finer details of brooding to perfect the environment when chicks/poults/ducklings are first placed and how to transition them to prepare them for the pasture. For those who mostly know what they are doing when it comes to brooding. Discussing brooder design, ventilation, drafts, bedding, feed, brooding with brooder guard or whole house brooding, supplemental feeders and waters and feeder and waterer types. Basic health issues and behaviors to watch out for such as delivery stress, grouping/piling, panting, early starve-outs (3-5 days of age), late starve outs (10+ days of age) and how to correct or prevent it with management or supplements. Stressing the importance of sitting on the ground to watch how they are behaving to see where you can make tweaks that make a difference in livability and weight gain.
January 16. 2024
Ecommerce can be a game changer for your direct-to-consumer meat business, but there are several important things to consider to optimize your online sales. In this webinar, Katie Olthoff with ChopLocal will share the best practices for your ecommerce store to help you get the most bang for your buck!
February 6
More than 300 livestock farmers selling direct-to-consumer contributed to the 2nd annual ChopLocal national survey. Join Katie Olthoff as she shares some of the findings, including average gross sales, marketing techniques used by the most successful farms, and the impact of ecommerce on farm sales.
January 11. 2024
Are you struggling with how to share your farm story in a way that engages customers? Do you have trouble weaving in the nutritional benefits pasture raised meats offer in a way that makes sense to the consumer? In this webinar April Parms Jones will teach you the art of storytelling and how mastering this skill will help increase profitability, customer engagement and retention.
December 5
Join NC Choices Technical Program Specialist Lee Menius as we explore the basics of understanding your farm's financial goals, records, and how to use that understanding to evaluate new enterprises and pricing.
October 5
Are you curious about how you can add value to your product line? If so, you won’t want to miss Laura’s webinar about what has worked for her on her Georgia farm.
October 28
You’re in for a treat with this webinar! Jennifer Martin takes us on a fascinating journey from invitro to processing as she explains the impact of maternal nutrition on ultimate animal profitability.
November 7
Join Dr Ivette Ruez as she shares her experience as a brain injury survivor and advocate for a more inviting and accepting Food System society.
September 14
This presentation will discuss how higher-welfare farmers can play a critical advocacy role in the 2023 Farm Bill.
This session will cover pros and cons, pricing, customer service, cut sheets, and more about selling pastured hogs as wholes and halves.
During this session, Pork Rhyne will coach you on exactly how to properly market to your ideal customer without compromising on your prices or integrity.
In this webinar you will learn the basics of photography and the tools & tips you need to improve your photography skills in order to effectively share your farm story.
Join us to learn the basics of farm animal welfare certification programs - what they are, the differences between existing programs, the value of certification, how to become certified, and funding opportunities to help you achieve certification.
In this seminar we'll go over the basics of SEO and how to implement simple but impactful changes on your website to bring in leads for months or years to come.
Join us to learn tips for maintaining a strong brand to tell your story and promote your products. We'll discuss how to choose a branding strategy, how to position your website for maximum visibility, and how to strengthen your online presence by using email and social media to support your brand.
Thinking about starting a meat CSA for your farm business? Our panelists will discuss the different CSA models that they use and the lessons they've learned along the way.
Join us to explore how a Facebook group can foster community, trust, creativity, and deeper relationships. You’ll learn strategies to get people talking, sharing ideas, and ultimately grow your customer into super-buyers.
Email newsletters are the best way to cultivate a relationship of trust with your clients, especially if you can write one that ISN’T boring. In this workshop, we’ll share some best practices for the art of email copywriting.
Are you looking to maximize your profits on your farm? In this workshop, we’ll share several strategies to excite and amaze your customers and move them into superfan status.
Guest presenter April Jones discusses how to create your own market unique to your community's needs, including building a customer base and finding farmers to participate in the market.
Guest presenter April Jones will discuss tips and strategies to promote your farm at the market, including how to build your customer base, create repeat customers, engage on social media, and build partnerships.
Are you looking to transition to online or pre-paid sales? Thinking about offering home delivery or curbside pick-up? Our farmer panelists will share their experience with various online platforms, and also offer tips for navigating the logistical challenges.
Learn the difference between a marketing channel and a marketing strategy, and where to focus your efforts. Our presenter is Charlotte Smith of 3 Cow Marketing.
Learn tips to refocus your website on building a connection with those who land on it, versus just advertising your products, helping you turn website visitors into paying customers.
Learn the very best way to build a loyal customer base, how to attract ideal customers, and how to implement consistent marketing practices that never feel pushy.
Nutritionist Collette Lentz, MS, will discuss the nutritional advantages and associated human health benefits of pasture-raised meat, milk and eggs.
Enhance your farm’s CSA program. Learn innovative approaches to make your program a better experience for your customers and more profitable for you.
Do you have questions about running a meat or egg CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program? The presenters offer practical advice on starting and operating a successful CSA program.
Our guest presenters will speak to the growing market for welfare-certified products, walk participants through the process of becoming certified, and discuss funding options available to farmers interested in certification.
From corporate goat Zoom calls to online field trips for kids, find how how farmers are giving others a taste of farm life from a distance. Panelists will discuss the fun - and profitable - ways they are sharing their farm via screens and video cams.
Offering intensive classes can be a great way to build capacity in other producers and share your wealth of knowledge. Our presenters are Karen Kopf of Kopf Canyon Ranch and Paul Dorrance of Pastured Providence Farmstead.
Presenters Samantha Gasson of Bull City Farm and Ana Skemp of Deep Roots Community Farm will share the challenges, rewards, and lessons they have experienced from their years running successful on-farm camps for children.
Have you ever thought about holding an educational event on your farm but not know quite where to start? Kirsten Jurcek will share tips and tools to help you pull off a successful program.
October 22, 2024
Join FACT grant administrators as they explain the Fund-a-Farmer grant process and Humane Farming funding opportunities.
March 4
How we farm or ranch matters. Recent research and farm case studies clearly show that soil biology and plant species diversity play a crucial role in both the health of our livestock and our own health. They also play an important role in ecosystem and climate health. In this webinar we will explore the relationships between how we manage our farms and the ultimate outcome. Join Allen Williams as we will discuss why what you do matters, what are the critical steps we need to take and how we can all participate.
November 1
Join Previous and Present Fund a Farmer grant administrators plus ASPCA’s Kara Shannon as they explain the Fund-a-Farmer grant process and Humane Farming funding opportunities.
September 19
Have you ever considered utilizing any of the USDA’s conservation programs but have been too overwhelmed by the process? Join Chris and Burnell Muse as they share their experiences on their Louisiana farm.
Learn how to succeed at using federal programs to support your farm or sustainable agriculture initiatives, including grants, loans and cost share programs.
Provides an overview of the USDA loan, grant, cost-share, conservation, and insurance programs that are available to sustainable farmers. NSAC’s Ferd Hoefner discusses the many programs offered by the USDA that help farmers succeed.
Learn about the types of funding available for farmers and gain pointers for crafting a successful proposal.
Join FACT and Margaret Krome, an experienced grant writer with the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, to learn how to succeed at using federal programs to support your farm or sustainable agriculture initiatives. March 10, 2021.