Farm Liability & Insurance Basics
In this webinar we’ll discuss the essential points of liability and property insurance that every producer needs.
Business Structure Basics
Choosing the right business structure for a farm or ranch business shouldn’t be hard. In this webinar, we’ll walk through the tax advantages and business practices that make sense for your situation.
Farm Loans: How and When to Use Debt to Finance Your Farm Business
Growing a food and farm business often requires taking on debt. The right loans can help, but it is important to know when and where to seek funding, and which lending opportunities best suit your purpose.
Understanding Your Farm Income Statement
This webinar will discuss the importance of financial statements, processes such as bookkeeping, and what your Profit & Loss is telling you.
Understanding Your Farm Balance Sheet
This webinar will explore what your balance sheet is telling you, including: what’s in a debt schedule, accounting for inventory, keeping track of equity ownership, how legal formation affects money in your business, and tools for managing cash flow.
Livestock Compass - A Profit Management Tool
Presenters John Hendrickson of the U. of WI and grassfed beef producer Jim Munsch discuss the Livestock Compass, a spreadsheet that helps livestock producers measure profitability and identify ways to improve financial outcomes.
Scaling Up Pastured Livestock Production
Join us to learn more about what it would take to scale up pastured meat production on your operation.
Improving Quality of Life on Your Profitable Farm
What if you could have a high quality of life and a good income from your farm? Presenter Ben Grimes of Dawnbreaker Farms will share his proven strategies to increase profitability while reducing work load.
Success with Interns on Your Farm
Internships, mentoring, and apprenticeships are valuable resources for both parties involved but there's more to it then just getting someone to do your work in exchange for housing and food, or a small stipend.
Setting the Course - Making A Living at What You Love to Do
Join us to walk through an assessment of how to determine the true resources you have in your life, and how to turn them into assets to sustain your dream of earning a living at what you love to do.
Creative Leasing for Livestock Farmers
This webinar will delve into creative leases and the types of creative leasing arrangements that livestock farmers can explore. It will also cover resources and tips for livestock farmers working with lawyers around leases.
Tax Tips for Farmers
Are you wondering how the new tax law will impact your farm's taxes? Watch this webinar to learn about the updated tax code, including what it means for depreciation, capital purchases, and other deductions.
Land Access for Livestock Farmers
Jason Silverman with Land For Good will discuss land tenure arrangements, as well as provide tips for finding and assessing land.