What is a Heritage, Pasture-Raised, Organic Bird anyway?
…untangling turkey husbandry and breeds

Why You Should Go Pasture-Raised for Your Holiday Bird
If you’ve never had a pasture-raised turkey as the star of your banquet table then you might be wondering what the hype is all about. A turkey is a turkey…right? Read more about why you should choose a pasture-raised bird for your holiday meal!

Introducing…FACT’s Free Short Courses for Farmers
You read that right, FACT now has a Humane Farming School with Short Courses which take two to six hours to complete.

Healthy Soil for Healthy Animals
Healthy soil is fundamental to humane farming as well as animal welfare.

Profiles in Conservation: Chockalog Farm
Chockalog Farm’s commitment to regenerative, climate-smart practices has help them build resiliency and optimize their operation.

Profiles in Conservation: Muse 3 Farm
During a particularly rough drought in 2021, Muse 3 Farm in Greensburg, LA had green grazable pastures while their neighbors fed hay making this family farm the envy of their area.

Profiles in Conservation: Magoffin Family Ranch
Located in the high desert country of Klondyke, Arizona, the owners of Magoffin Family Ranch are accustomed to dry conditions and an annual monsoon season. However, the past few years have been extreme both in terms of drought and flooding.

Profiles in Conservation: All Grass Farms
With land in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, All Grass Farms is all that and more: a diversified, pasture-centric operation full of plants, animals, beneficial insects and wildlife.

Profiles in Conservation: Hiddendale Farm
Of the conservation practices used on Hiddendale Farm in North Dakota many are easily recognizable, such as managed intensive rotational grazing, perennial plantings and planting into mulch.

Profiles in Conservation: Trouvaille Farm
Trouvaille Farm, or “Lucky Find Farm,” is just that: after years of working for other farms and searching for their own land, farmers Lindsay Klaunig and Michael Barnes finally found their 80-acre farm in Athens, Ohio. The land is hilly, with highly erosive ridge tops and wet valleys that often flood. Because of this challenging topography, the farmers consciously and intentionally use a number of advanced conservation practices to steward the land on which they cultivate animals, bedding plants, and vegetable seeds.

The Nutritional Benefits of Food from Pasture-Raised Animals
Studies consistently show that pasture-raised animals produce nutritionally superior meat, milk, and eggs.

Humane Farming Program: A Year in Review
As FACT’s fiscal year ends in June, our Humane Farming Program Director takes a look at everything the program has achieved over the last year.

Farm Visit Road Trip - North Carolina Style
Check out our Humane Farming Program Director’s whirlwind trip to visit eight farms in three days in North Carolina.

A Spring Day in the Life of a WA Humane Livestock Farmer
Lydia Strand reflects about life on the farm with her flock of Icelandic and Shetland sheep.

A Spring Morning in the Life of an Arkansas Humane Livestock Farmer
Farmer James Maginot tells us how much work gets done on the farm before 8am.

A Spring Day in the Life of a NC Humane Livestock Farmer
Enjoy a virtual tour of Bull City farm in north central NC.

Support FACT’s Humane Farmers
Read about one FACT farmer’s amazing journey back to health through farming.

Humane Farming Mentorship in Action
With the program now in full swing, find out how it is working in practice.

Celebrating 10 Years of Fund-a-Farmer Grants
Read how our grant program is benefiting more farmers and animals every year.

All About FACT’s Humane Farming Mentorship Program
Find out how this unique and incredibly valuable program evolved.