A Time to Give Thanks!

As the holiday season approaches, we at FACT are counting our blessings. We are grateful for many things; family, farmers, our supporters, and safe and humanely raised food. In our blog post this week, staff members share what they are grateful for this holiday season.

“I am thankful for my family and all the people around me who are working to make this world a better place for all, to protect the planet and all of its creatures.”

Harry Rhodes, Executive Director

“These days I’m thankful for … in no particular order … the bright mornings and cozy evenings; good, plentiful food and having the time to prepare it; living near Lake Michigan and being able to walk to the shore; my warm coat and wool hat; fantastic friends, fabulous family, and compassionate coworkers; a strong cup of coffee with a dollop of whipped cream; the change of seasons; and a few days to unplug and recharge.”  

Larissa Mckenna, Humane Farming Program Director

“As a new mom, I'm thankful for my sweet son and the chance to see the world a little differently. To him everything is new and fascinating and funny and exciting, and it has made me slow down and notice the little things. I'm thankful for my family and of course my awesome job, which has introduced me to a whole network of wonderful people.”

Madeleine Kleven, Safe and Healthy Food Program Associate 

“As a frazzled turkey farmer, I’m grateful turkey season is almost over.

As a wife, I’m grateful for a husband who thinks this whole farming gig is as much fun as I do (only not right now because it’s Thanksgiving and we raise turkeys).

As a mother, I’m grateful for kids who are funny, delightful and are willing to help out on the farm with only minor complaints and eye rolls (which increase exponentially during turkey season).

As a FACT employee, I’m grateful to work with such lovely people especially my Humane Farming Program partner in crime, Larissa. It feels good to do this work.

Most of all, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it or not, but I’m especially grateful that turkey season is almost over. Seriously, I’m ready.”

Samantha Gasson, Humane Farming Program Associate

“On a personal level, this season I’m grateful for family visiting from overseas, having some time out to relax, eat good food and taking some long walks in nature. On a collective level I’m grateful to be surrounded by colleagues, supporters, farmers, and other people that care deeply about animals, the environment and the food we eat.”

Charlotte Isles, Development Associate


An Autumn Day in the Life of a Humane Livestock Farmer


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