Serving Up Superbugs: New Restaurant Chain Antibiotics Scorecard from FACT
It’s World Antibiotics Awareness Week 2024 and FACT just released a new report , Serving Up Superbugs, that found that most top restaurant chains in the United States have failed to make progress on commitments to stop the overuse of antibiotics by their meat and poultry suppliers.

Antibiotic Resistance: An Unyielding Crisis and the Urgent Need for Reform
New data from the FDA shows that many antibiotic resistance trends are not improving as hoped.

Raising Awareness About the Spread of Resistant Superbugs
Learn about why the spread of antibiotic superbugs is an ongoing public health crisis in our latest blog and video

The U.S. is in Need of Some Big New Year’s Resolutions When it Comes to Policies on Antibiotic Resistance
FACT has some big but very attainable goals this year for the Food and Drug Administration in order to keep us safe and healthy.

Livestock Farm Workers are First in Line From Superbug Infections From Unhealthy Food Animals
In developing policies to address superbug infections, these vulnerable groups should be protected.

FDA Still Sluggish On The Superbug Crisis
A major cause of the spread of superbugs is the overuse of antibiotics, but the FDA, which is tasked with making sure that drugs are safe, has consistently failed to address this overuse.

Antibiotic Resistance Disproportionately Impacts Vulnerable Populations
Antibiotic resistance threatens to overturn much of the health advances of the twentieth century. While everyone is likely to get a resistant infection sooner or later, some populations are more impacted than others.

Looks like McDonald’s New Responsible Use Targets Are Not Responsible At All
McDonald’s is leading in the wrong direction when it comes to reducing the overuse of antibiotics in its meat supply.

How to Avoid Products that Contribute to the Spread of Superbugs
By selecting animal products raised with responsible antibiotic use, you can help fight against antibiotic resistance.

Superbugs in Stock: Grocery Chains are Not Giving Enough to Stop Antibiotic Overuse
Which grocery chains are acting to eliminate routine antibiotic use in their meat supply?