How FACT’s Community of Supporters are Building a Healthier, Safer Food System
Find out how our community of FACT Supporters are making an impact every day.

FACT Farmers Go To Washington!
Farmers to Congress: We Need Climate Solutions in the 2023 Farm Bill

Advocacy, the Farm Bill and Factory Farms
How FACT and partners are pushing for a humane farm bill that supports farmers and communities nationwide.

Join the Farmer Rally for Climate Action
Federal policy needs to promote and encourage farmer-led climate solutions. That is why thousands of farmers, farm workers, and farmer allies - including FACT - will be converging on Washington D.C from March 6 to 8 for the Farmer Rally for Resilience.

Sign the Farmer Climate Letter!
Tell congress the next farm bill needs to address climate change.

Major Discrepancies in the Reporting of Antibiotic and Resistance Data in Animals vs Humans are Impeding the U.S. in the Fight to Preserve our Antibiotics
The U.S. is making progress to reduce antibiotic use in human medicine, but progress is terribly slow in animals.

Time for the USDA to require meat companies to clean up the source of deadly Salmonella - the factory farms
Join FACT in helping to ensure that poultry products are safe to consume.

Calling on the USDA to Stop Antibiotic Overuse
Read about what the USDA can do to protect public health.