Factory Farm Gas is a False Climate Solution
FACT is concerned about is false solutions to climate change such as biogas which is is just another subsidy for giant animal feeding operations.

Serving Up Superbugs: New Restaurant Chain Antibiotics Scorecard from FACT
It’s World Antibiotics Awareness Week 2024 and FACT just released a new report , Serving Up Superbugs, that found that most top restaurant chains in the United States have failed to make progress on commitments to stop the overuse of antibiotics by their meat and poultry suppliers.

Voting With Your Dollars Only Works if Product Labels are Truthful
The USDA found widespread fraud in meat labeled "raised without antibiotics" but isn't requiring businesses to test for antibiotics. Join us in telling the USDA to require testing.

Senator Booker Calls Out The FDA for Backsliding on Fighting Superbugs
Senator Booker warns FDA's new guidelines on antimicrobial resistance threatens public health.

Despite FDA Prohibition, U.S. Swine Producers Continue Using Medically Important Antibiotics for Growth Years Later.
New data shows that pig operations report feeding medically important antibiotics to pigs to make them grow faster, despite the FDA prohibiting this practice.

Bird Flu Found in One in Five Samples of Milk
The virus is killed by pasteurization but the people at greatest risk are farm and slaughter plant workers.

Avian Flu and Giant Dairies Moving us Ever Closer to a New Pandemic
Deadly bird flu is just one more problem of the current model of animal agriculture and in this case is potentially setting us up for an outbreak that could kill millions.

FACT Joins Lawsuit Against the FDA
For failure to respond to petitions to ban the growth promoter Ractopamine.

Agriculture Needs to Change to Address the Climate Crisis
But too much of the effort just reinforces the unhealthy industrial animal agriculture system.

As the FDA Winds up its Five-Year Stewardship Plan, New Data Indicates the Potential for Large Increases in Antibiotic Use
As we approach the 100th anniversary of the discovery of penicillin, antibiotic use in U.S. animal agriculture may continue to climb upward.

Livestock Farm Workers are First in Line From Superbug Infections From Unhealthy Food Animals
In developing policies to address superbug infections, these vulnerable groups should be protected.

FDA Still Sluggish On The Superbug Crisis
A major cause of the spread of superbugs is the overuse of antibiotics, but the FDA, which is tasked with making sure that drugs are safe, has consistently failed to address this overuse.

Dairy can be Part of a Safe, Healthy, and Humane Diet but too Often it is Not
June is National Dairy Month. FACT works with many humane, pasture based dairy farms around the country, however this not how most dairy cows are raised.

Time for the USDA to require meat companies to clean up the source of deadly Salmonella - the factory farms
Join FACT in helping to ensure that poultry products are safe to consume.

Superbugs in Stock: Grocery Chains are Not Giving Enough to Stop Antibiotic Overuse
Which grocery chains are acting to eliminate routine antibiotic use in their meat supply?

Why You Should Go Pasture-Raised for Your Holiday Bird
If you’ve never had a pasture-raised turkey as the star of your banquet table then you might be wondering what the hype is all about. A turkey is a turkey…right? Read more about why you should choose a pasture-raised bird for your holiday meal!