Humane Farming and Sustainability
Humane farming and sustainability goes hand in hand. Find out how FACT is supporting humane, climate-smart farmers so we can create a more humane, environmentally friendly food system.

Factory Farm Gas is a False Climate Solution
FACT is concerned about is false solutions to climate change such as biogas which is is just another subsidy for giant animal feeding operations.

Agriculture Needs to Change to Address the Climate Crisis
But too much of the effort just reinforces the unhealthy industrial animal agriculture system.

Farmworkers Rights Need to be Improved
Advocating for farmworkers' rights is part of FACT’s mission as we take a look at some of the issues farmworkers are currently facing.

Reporting from Washington DC: The Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF) Forum
FACT has been at SAFSF Forum this week in DC, meeting colleagues throughout the country and talking about ways to create a more equitable, just food system for all.

FACT Farmers Go To Washington!
Farmers to Congress: We Need Climate Solutions in the 2023 Farm Bill

Join the Farmer Rally for Climate Action
Federal policy needs to promote and encourage farmer-led climate solutions. That is why thousands of farmers, farm workers, and farmer allies - including FACT - will be converging on Washington D.C from March 6 to 8 for the Farmer Rally for Resilience.

FACT Position Paper on Climate Change and Animal Agriculture
We look at how FACT can promote a healthy animal agricultural system that is good for animal and human health, improves the environment, helps mitigate climate change, and helps farmers become more resilient when dealing with increasingly volatile and unpredictable weather patterns.

Sign the Farmer Climate Letter!
Tell congress the next farm bill needs to address climate change.

Profiles in Conservation: Chockalog Farm
Chockalog Farm’s commitment to regenerative, climate-smart practices has help them build resiliency and optimize their operation.

Profiles in Conservation: Muse 3 Farm
During a particularly rough drought in 2021, Muse 3 Farm in Greensburg, LA had green grazable pastures while their neighbors fed hay making this family farm the envy of their area.

Profiles in Conservation: Magoffin Family Ranch
Located in the high desert country of Klondyke, Arizona, the owners of Magoffin Family Ranch are accustomed to dry conditions and an annual monsoon season. However, the past few years have been extreme both in terms of drought and flooding.

Profiles in Conservation: All Grass Farms
With land in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, All Grass Farms is all that and more: a diversified, pasture-centric operation full of plants, animals, beneficial insects and wildlife.

Profiles in Conservation: Hiddendale Farm
Of the conservation practices used on Hiddendale Farm in North Dakota many are easily recognizable, such as managed intensive rotational grazing, perennial plantings and planting into mulch.

Profiles in Conservation: Trouvaille Farm
Trouvaille Farm, or “Lucky Find Farm,” is just that: after years of working for other farms and searching for their own land, farmers Lindsay Klaunig and Michael Barnes finally found their 80-acre farm in Athens, Ohio. The land is hilly, with highly erosive ridge tops and wet valleys that often flood. Because of this challenging topography, the farmers consciously and intentionally use a number of advanced conservation practices to steward the land on which they cultivate animals, bedding plants, and vegetable seeds.