Nine Easy Ways to Support FACT’s Work

By Charlotte Isles, Development Associate

FACT provides critical resources to help farmers adopt humane practices, advocates for food safety, and guides consumers in making healthy food choices. We do not receive any government funding, which allows us to remain independent when advocating for improved governmental animal welfare policies. Our impact is powerful and growing, however none of this would be possible without the generosity and loyalty of our supporters.

Half of our funds come from individual donors and we rely on our social media followers to help spread our word to engage an even wider audience.

There are many ways to contribute to FACT’s impact. Check out these nine easy ways below and please get in touch here if you have any of your own ideas, we would love to hear from you.

1.     Donate to FACT below or by calling us at 773-525-4952. Alternatively, you can send us a check made payable to FACT to our office at 3525 W. Peterson Ave., Ste 213, Chicago IL 60659.

2.     Make it a monthly gift. Monthly donors are vital to our work as they offer sustainable progress on the issues of humane farming and safe and healthy food. A regular gift helps us keep mailing costs down so we can allocate more resources to protecting and nurturing your food, health, and community. Make a regular donation here or call the FACT office.

3.      Your Legacy. As you plan your philanthropic legacy, please consider including a provision in your will that includes FACT as a beneficiary. Please visit our Planned Giving page for more details.

4.     Matching Gifts. Your employer may double or even triple your donation to FACT. Contact your employer’s Human Resources department to find out whether your company has a matching gift program.

5.    You can also donate stock. The shares should be delivered to the following address:

Account Name: Food Animal Concerns Trust Brokerage Firm: SEI Private Trust Company, DTC #2663, Brokerage Account #668572. Please inform our office by email or phone.

6.     Donate from your IRA. If you are 70½ years old or older, a donation made directly from your IRA can help you save valuable income tax dollars. Please contact us if you would like more information.

7.     Donor Advised Funds. A donor advised fund is an investment account specifically for philanthropic giving. It’s an easy, intuitive, and tax-savvy way to give to organizations you care about. To recommend a gift to FACT, request a grant distribution through your donor advised sponsor, using our EIN: 36-3172605.

8.     Follow us on social media. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to see our progress. You can also help us increase our online presence and spread our message further by liking and sharing our posts.

9.     Subscribe to our e-newsletters to be the first to hear about our work and impact as well as participate in our advocacy campaigns. Sign up at the bottom of this page.

Together, we can ensure that food-producing animals will be raised in a healthy and humane manner and everyone will have access to safe, humanely produced food

You can be assured that your donation is used effectively as Guidestar, a nationally recognized charity watchdog, has recognized FACT with the Platinum Seal of Transparency.


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