FACT’s 40th Anniversary Video

As our 40th Anniversary Year Celebration continues, we are excited to share with you our newest video with thanks to Leff Communications, a communications firm in Chicago that have been helping us with our marketing efforts. This brief film highlights FACT’s vision: All food-producing animals will be raised in a humane and healthy manner, and everyone will have access to safe and humanely-produced food.

It also highlights our efforts to support and advocate for alternatives to factory farms. We support family farmers who are raising their animals on pasture, in their natural setting. This results in healthier animals, healthier food, and a healthier ecosystem. When animals are raised in this manner, there is very little need for antibiotics or other unnecessary drugs. 

We are proud of all of our accomplishments over the past 40 years. View this video and see for yourself. 


The Nutritional Benefits of Food from Pasture-Raised Animals


FDA Just Gave Itself a B+ on its Efforts to Fight Antibiotic Resistance